Sunday, 13 July 2014

A taste of retirement

Ahh so this is what retired life is like. Relaxing. No work. No responsibilities. Sounds dreamy doesn't it? Sure it's great to relax but it can get pretty boring and depressing doing nothing every day. Now I understand why my job as a Home Support Worker is so important. The seniors I visit are home alone all day, their spouses have passed away, their families are too busy to stop by. Sometimes I'm the only person they see all week. Now I know why the cute little old ladies get so excited when we sit down and have tea. It's nice to have company and someone to talk to. I've always been so busy that I never really thought much about it. I get it now. We need to connect with people and we need to stay active.

Routines are important too when you've got too much time on your hands. When I first arrived in Barra a retired lady told me to figure out a routine and stick to it or my days here would be very long. She was right. On the days I go off my routine it feels like the day goes on forever and I'm looking forward to 10 pm so I can go to sleep. What a problem hey? I know you're probably thinking you'd love days like that but I've been here for 40 days and trust me 40 days of boredom would drive you nuts. I'm use to being busy. At home I'm always rushing around from one thing to another, my day is over before I know it. Here it's a different story. Time seems to stand still if I don't find things to do. So I have my little routine. Daily walks, trips to the store to buy random things, checking my Facebook, emails, talking to friends and family on Skype (thanks everyone, talking to you always brightens my day), going to the beach, watching a movie, nothing too exciting. Most days are pretty slow. But I'm not complaining. Life is good.

Woke up, check. Ate breakfast, check. Facebook, emails, check check. Finally wrote something on my blog, check. Well according to the routine, it looks like it's time for me to hit the beach. :)

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