Saturday 19 December 2015

No popcorn today

I had a really busy day yesterday. I woke up today feeling pretty worn out. I needed a day to stay home and relax. I'd planned on turning on the air conditioner, eating popcorn, watching a few movies, maybe going for a dip in the pool. But nope, it didn't turn out that way.

This afternoon a friend asked me if I could help relocate a turtle and I could never say no. Apparently someone had found a little turtle, tossed it into the ocean a few times and it kept coming out. Well no kidding, it wasn't a sea turtle. It was freshwater turtle. It actually looked a lot like a baby Coahuian Box Turtle and if that was the case they're endangered. Odd that it would be in this area of Mexico though, but you never know. It was a good thing my friend stopped them from putting it the ocean, they would of killed it.

Since I could never say no to a turtle rescue mission, I rode my bike over to my friend's place to pick up the turtle. After putting it in one of those huge Mexican styrofoam cups, I secured it safely in my basket and off we rode to it's new home at the lagoon. What a story it'll have to tell it's turtle friends. 'You're not gonna believe what happened to me...and then they threw me into the ocean!' ;)

Hope you like your new home little turtle. 
The turtle rescue was a success, the sun was setting, I was tired but my day wasn't over yet.

On my ride back to my hotel I saw a brush fire burning by the side of the road on an abandoned lot. Across the street I saw a man filling a bucket with water from a slow trickling hose. He told me they had very little water pressure. It was taking forever to fill up the bucket. I asked him if he called the fire department. He said there wasn't one. Another man was on the phone calling the police.

I couldn't just stand there and watch the fire spread, so I ran to the street corner to grab a few small garbage cans to fill with water. While I was there I saw a little boy on the street with a lighter. He was lighting twigs on fire. He may of been the one that started the fire. My mom instinct kicked in. I wanted to give him hell and take his lighter away. But alas I'm in Mexico and things are different here. It's shocking how many kids I see playing with lighters and matches. I talked to him, he told me his name. He was a nice kid. I hope his parents take that lighter away from him before he gets hurt or hurts someone else.

Thankfully with the help of a few men jumping in to help, the brush fire was put out. This could of turned ugly if they hadn't gotten it under control so quickly. Crazy to think there isn't a fire department. I'll have to ask some locals about that. Scary.