Sunday 29 November 2015

Montezuma's Revenge

Not sure how this nasty bug got into my system but it's sure doing a good job of wreaking havoc on my body. I've been sick for the past few days. The first night was absolutely horrible, throwing up, fever, diarrhea. It was hell! My stomach cramps were so bad they were comparable to labour pains. I took a T3 (Tylenol with codiene) and it barely did anything. I didn't sleep at all. I spent the entire night in the bathroom. Brutal.

Whatever this bacteria is, it's a bad one. Last year when I had this I never had a fever. This time my temperature was at 101.5 for a while. Since I'm covered in mosquito bites, at first I was worried I had Dengue Fever, a virus transmitted by mosquitoes. But once the fever broke yesterday, I figured it wasn't Dengue and I took my first dose of the antibiotic Ciprofloxacin (Cipro). I was hoping this was a bacterial infection and not a virus because antibiotics don't work on viruses. With a virus you just have to wait it out and let it run its course. I seem to be getting better so the Cipro is working. This must be from a bacteria I picked up in something I ate. My Mexican friends always tell me not to eat tacos from the street vendors, but I never listen. They are so tasty and affordable. I can't help myself!

So now it's day 3 of Montezuma's Revenge and I'm on the mend. The killer cramps are finally gone and I've stopped throwing up. I'm hoping as the Cipro works it's magic that I'll be able to spend less time in the bathroom. I don't have an appetite. I'm not eating anything. I think I need to give my poor guts a break and stay on liquids for a few more days. Yes Mom I'm drinking lots of water and thanks to my friends who brought me electrolyte drinks I'm staying hydrated with those too. I'll survive. This is just what happens sometimes in paradise.

This too shall pass. (Pun definitely intended) 

My arsenal of defense