Well I made it here but as per usual I had problems travelling with my dog. What's up with that? This time I was able to board my Aeromexico flight fine in Manazanillo. The problems started when I landed in Mexico City for my connecting flight to Cancun. When I was given my ticket in Manzanillo I questioned why they were giving me a boarding pass that didn't include 'pet in cabin' on it. (I learned my lesson with that one that last time I flew home from Mexico.) The ticket agent reassured me that there wouldn't be a problem as he handed me a 'boarding pass' for Tucker. Turns out it wasn't a boarding pass it was just a receipt that I paid for him to fly with me. Needless to say, they wouldn't let me into the Mexico City airport when I got off the plane. I was pulled to the side and I had to wait 20 minutes for them to clear up the issue. Thankfully another passenger waited with me and translated for me. Thank you nice Mexican man.
So finally I was allowed to go through security but I was quickly pulled aside again. The security guy slapped on some rubber gloves and by this time my translator was long gone, so me being me, I panicked and thought 'Holy crap he's going to examine me with those gloves on.' When I pointed at myself and said "Me??" the guy laughed and said "No perro." Thank God the gloves were for Tucker and not me!
'Why me? |
Poor Tucker got frisked and off we went. Last passenger on the plane - of course. But I'm here. :)